
Pruw Boswell Publications was founded in 2020 by Pruw Boswell Harper during the first ‘lock-down’ of the Covid 19 epidemic. She had previously written articles for the local history magazine ‘Totnes Review’ and initially decided that it might be a good idea to amalgamate these into a book. This became the ‘Secret St Mary’s’ book, the first of her publications.

Born in Lancashire in 1942 she came to Totnes in 1990 and admits that it was ‘love at first sight’! She went on to found the award winning Totnes Education Service, bringing children and families in to the town to learn about its history.

She admits that she has a passion not only for local history but for all things historical and her books reflect this. To date she has written about several diverse subjects, including the history of Morris dancing in Lancashire, the history of Totnes and its buildings, Tudor housewifery and the history of Santa Claus.

Pruw’s books can be bought from independent local bookshops or direct from Pruw Boswell Books 3, Meadow Close, Harberton, Totnes TQ9 7TW.

Contact Pruw and Pruw Boswell Books at:
 07773 872505
  01803 862870